Pledges of PISOD

We are affiliated with Cambridge

Foundation School – Nursery to Grade 1

A Happy Child

Foundation School (Nursery – Grade 1)

A Happy Child

We believe that parents are the child’s first teachers. As teachers, our role is to partner with parents to provide the best possible learning opportunity for each child. We encourage our students to explore and learn in a developmentally appropriate environment by building on their knowledge base, skills, and understanding of their world, in conjunction with fostering each child’s personal learning needs and style. Our program for young learners is grounded in the importance of self-discovery through play. We provide numerous learning activities in a sequenced manner to allow students to discover their learning interests and strengths within a safe, flexible, and respectful learning environment.

We focus on what students are able to do and what they enjoy within the learning process. The Creative Curriculum goals and objectives form the basis of our Early Childhood program. Opportunities to nurture learning are provided based on the appropriateness to the developmental age, needs and level of growth of each learner. These opportunities are provided in a respectful, caring and empathetic environment with parents as partners in the learning processwithin a happy environment.

Our curriculum focuses on ten interest areas or activities in the program environment: blocks home corner, table toys, art, sand and water, library corner, music and movement, cooking, computers, and the outdoors. The creative curriculum enables teachers to engage and guide children at different developmental levels to facilitate learning.

All Early Childhood students will have their progress reported during each semester in conjunction with formal parent/teacher conferences occurring mid-way through the first and second half of the school year. Individualized goals for children are also incorporated into programming and assessments are an important part of parent conferences.

Primary School – Grade 2 to Grade 5

Connecting to the roots

Primary School (Grade 2 – Grade 5)

Connecting to the roots

Our students in Grades 2-5 learn through an individualized learning and thinking approach within a rich language and fine arts environment. Our expeditionary learning focus helps students to develop their understanding of the concept of community and the importance of effective teamwork and communication skills along with problem solving as critical thinking. All learning takes place within a school community focused on developing independent learning skills through self-discovery, collaboration and service to others. An emphasis on reading and writing literacy is integrated throughout all subjects, a strong foundation in mathematicalconcepts and skills, the creation of a broader knowledge base and understanding of Science and Social Studies, along with an evolving appreciation of Lifetime Health, and the Fine and Performing Arts. Information technology is utilized throughout the curriculum in various forms to help studentslearn how to utilize these learning tools in a responsible manner and to develop information and technological literacy.

We build on students’ strengths, abilities and interests, teaching them how to think, not what to think. We work collaboratively to design individual and group learning processes and activities for students to share ideas and work together to help create a strong foundational education for each child. Students learn about the culture of the region through challenging and integrated art elements within content subjects, leading them towards an understanding of diversity within the local community, geographic region, and eventually the world. Educators provide sequenced learning at the appropriate level of growth for each learner. These opportunities are provided in a respectful, collaborative and inclusive environment to foster the creation of a core body of knowledge, the learning of and ability to apply learning/thinking skills, while making the studentsresponsible for learning, with parents as partners in the process.

Junior School – Grade 6 to Grade 8

Thriving Logically

Junior School ( Grade 6 – Grade 8 )

Thriving Logically

Our Middle School students learn in an interactive and integrated learning environment with a focus on the interrelationships of the core curriculum, fine arts, lifetime health, and education with a local, regional and global perspective. Our primary goal is to help students begin to consolidate their learning in a manner that will help them develop personal responsibility, integrity and an intellectual character. Additionally, students will be provided with opportunities to navigate the journey from childhood to preadolescence in a safe, secure, and respectful environment.

Students are expected to enter the middle school program with a strong foundational education in reading and writing, along with a solid grasp of content and concepts in Mathematics and Science and Social Studies. They should also be able to make responsible decisions that demonstrate their ability towards becoming independent learners and productive members of our school community. At this stage, we work with students and parents in partnership to help broaden and deepen the students’knowledge and understanding in core academic content areas and to further develop and refine their communication skills – both intra and interpersonal. The learning environment provides opportunities to apply the students’knowledge, skills, talents, and interests intellectually and physically, both individually and collaboratively. These learning experiences are intended to enhance their competence and tolerance for diversity of opinions and approaches to solution finding, and to teach a variety of methodsof problem solving through applying their knowledge and skills to life experiences.

As educators we focus our learning design on communicationskills, and how to apply thinking skills to problem-based learning situations. We provide activities that support individual learning styles and work collaboratively to design individualized and group learning processes to strengthen the foundational education for each student. The Fine and Performing Arts, with a specific emphasis on local and regional Syrian/Arab culture, is integrated throughout the curriculum to highlight and facilitate learning, and to celebrate our host country’s culture. Technologicaltools are utilized and integrated throughout the middle school curriculum in a more sophisticated manner, to help students use theseresourcesresponsibly to enhance their ability to learn independently. Our focus helps students discover a better understanding of their strengths and talents on their journey towards realizing their full potential. The expeditionary learning model of culture and community-based education is utilized to help students develop a broader and refined understanding of the local and regional areas, as well as the world in which they live.

Senior School – Grade 9 to Grade 12

Responsible Citizens with Academic Excellence

Senior School ( Grade 9 – Grade 12 )

Responsible Citizens with Academic Excellence

We are a CIE curriculum-based high school, referencing Common Core, Next Generation Science Standards, and other carefully selected international standards which form the basic structure of our curriculum. We aim to challenge all students to experience personal responsibility and academic initiative, in preparation for college and beyond.

At PISOD, high school students are immersed in a rigorous, 21st-century learning environment through a carefully crafted curriculum, skillfully designed data-driven instructions, and constructive assessments.

The Senior Section retains dedicated science labs for each grade, in which the students have the opportunity to practice practically what was learned in the textbooks by using state-of-the-art equipment to conduct various scientific experiments. Moreover, students are encouraged to expand their knowledge by teaching them proper scientific investigation and problem-solving methods. This can be done through the section’s library, via the computer lab, or by using the knowledge acquired at school to conduct online research at home.

With a firm belief that academics contribute only in part to the process of promoting the development of active, involved and productive citizens, PISOD fosters a strong belief in grooming the students and preparing them to be active individuals and instilling a sense of responsibility for the general welfare of society. Consequently, all senior students are encouraged to complete 30 hours of community service, whether on the campus itself or through organized ventures with trustworthy foundations. These opportunities are provided to give the students the chance to expand their relationships with the outside world through local, national, and international affiliations, and to become mature global citizens.

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